So let say you run a gym. Maybe you run a gym backed by a corporate company or perhaps youre average Joes gym, run by a local businessman or family. Either way you have a facility that you must maintain certain temperatures, provide certain amenities and try to save money all at the same time. Depending on where you live will determine what kind of weather you battle. For most gyms they battle seasonal weather. Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring all bring different elements, making sure the gym is prepared to handle them all is a must for businesses.
Having sealed all your cracks. If you want to help keep the temperature in the gym more concise and save on your bill, then check all the windows and make sure that they do not have drafts or cracks around the frame or seal. Whether keeping heat in and the cold out or visa-versa this is a must for any gym looking to regulate their indoor temperature. Also making sure the seals on doors are working great. Just the same as windows, if there are gaps it will affect your thermostat. Obviously some tiny-tiny cracks are needed for proper oxygen ventilation. Make sure all the vents are cleaned and working properly. Cleaning vents and filters is very important in gyms as there are far more people frequenting the building than an average home or business and they are there for anywhere from thirty minutes to 3 hours at a time. That means more dirt and dust. Having clean vents and filters will ensure proper air flow and cheaper energy bills.
Installing proper shower heads to help regulate the water flow on all the shower heads in the locker rooms will help save on waters bills and be environmentally friendly. Also making sure those showers are being turned all the way off. Have staff check the showers when not in use to assure they have been turned off all the way and are not leaking.
Install energy efficient light bulbs. Using energy efficient bulbs may cost the gym a little more upfront but the long term benefit will far out weight the initial cost. Not only will they save on energy but they will also save how often they need to be replaced. Which saves the time of having to change them out and the inconvenience it can cause on busy days or if the light is directly over a machine having to climb around it or getting a latter for higher locations.
Most gym buildings can regulate their temperatures pretty well as the point is that people are working out and getting hot and sweaty anyways, thus concern of if its cool or warm enough is not as high as an office business or home. However with recent storms and the more intense storm seasons, it is not a bad idea to have a backup generator if the power goes out. Just as said with the temperature you wouldnt really have to worry about that. However you will need lights and be to power the electronic equipment. Those would be the key things to be still able to power.With that could probably power your gym business though a storm for at least a short time.
Performing these little changes will help immensely, whether as youre opening a new gym or been in business for 25 years. Make sure your gym is nice and healthy.